There was a time when I drank water straight from the tap and didn't think anything of it. Once I started realizing the issues that water supplies and tap water can present like harmful bacteria, high chlorine levels, bad taste, smell, etc. I jumped to buying bottled water. That didn't last long, as it is very expensive. Once I found out that bottled water companies have fewer … [Read more...] about 3 Major Benefits of Using Water Filters – Is Your Tap Water Safe To Drink?
How to Create a Budget
When I went away to college, my parents told me to “make a budget”. When I graduated from college, my parents told me to “make a budget. When I was planning my wedding, my parents told me to “make a budget.” When we were looking to buy our first home, my parents told me to… you guessed it, “make a budget.” By this time in my life I should probably be an expert on budgeting, … [Read more...] about How to Create a Budget
A Look at the Brita Bella Water Pitchers: Brita Water Pitcher Filters
There is no shortage of water pitcher filters to choose with Brita. After all, you probably have at least considered buying a Brita water pitcher in the past. Out of the many great water pitchers to choose from, the Brita Bella Water Pitcher Filter is unique in that its space-saving design will take up considerably less space than some of its competitors. While that is a … [Read more...] about A Look at the Brita Bella Water Pitchers: Brita Water Pitcher Filters
Collapsible & Reusable Water Bottles – Vapur Review
Fold them, roll them, take them on the go! That’s what the unique Vapur Reusable Water Bottles allow you to do. Recently, I purchased the Vapur Element (Water) and I love it. It makes drinking the recommended amount of water (6-8 glasses) a lot easier. Are you thinking about buying a Vapur Element or one of their other lines of reusable water bottles? You’re in luck, because … [Read more...] about Collapsible & Reusable Water Bottles – Vapur Review
10 Best Gift Ideas for College Students, Apartment Dwellers and Dorm Rooms
Are you wondering what some of the best gift ideas for college students and apartment dwellers are? Browse through our great selection of affordable gift ideas that can be used for years to come. French Scents Air Filter Fresheners Brita Atlantis Water Pitcher Great for apartment dwellers. Attaches … [Read more...] about 10 Best Gift Ideas for College Students, Apartment Dwellers and Dorm Rooms