Vice President of Communications for the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), Tom Lauria, refutes the argument that bottled water should be banned in colleges and universities, in a response to our recent article on banning bottled water. His response is published in a separate article, "Bottled Water Vs. Tap Water," and in it, he presents his reaction to both … [Read more...] about Bottled Water Vs. Tap Water: Thoughts from the IBWA
tap water
Top 10 Most Disturbing Things in Our Water
What’s in your water? We at Filters Fast have compiled a list of the top ten most disturbing things found in tap and bottled water. Some of these may surprise you. #10 – Chlorine The chlorination of water is a disinfecting method used by water treatment plants to eliminate the presence of bacteria and other microorganisms in city supplies. This seems beneficial, but … [Read more...] about Top 10 Most Disturbing Things in Our Water
“Does Filters Fast carry filters that remove pharmaceuticals in tap water?”
It's a question we've been bombarded with since yesterday morning, when the Associated Press published an article stating that United States manufacturers and drugmakers have legally released 271 million or more pounds of pharmaceuticals into water sources that often provide drinking water. During this "PharmaWater" investigation, the AP identified 22 compounds present in … [Read more...] about “Does Filters Fast carry filters that remove pharmaceuticals in tap water?”
Bottled Water, a Snail’s Aphrodisiac?
There are many reasons not to drink bottled water. But I can think of none so disturbing as the possibility you might be drinking a snail's aphrodisiac. This according to a Wired Science article citing a German study that discovered snails bred at a much faster pace in water from plastic bottles than they did in water from glass bottles. The study attributes this to the … [Read more...] about Bottled Water, a Snail’s Aphrodisiac?
The Time for Revolution is at Hand
Adorned in colonial waistcoats and tri-cornered hats, the men piloted their boat into Boston harbor to dump the unfairly priced beverages back into the rolling sea beneath. It was nothing short of a political revolt, an act of resistance urging the masses to take action against the injustices under which they had suffered for far too long. We all recognize this scene as from … [Read more...] about The Time for Revolution is at Hand