Working together with one of its small Atlanta-based business customers – Water Transit Solutions – AT&T has contributed $100,000 to the National Organization for the Advancement of Haitians (NOAH) earthquake relief effort.
This effort helps bring sustainable, clean water supplies to victims of natural disasters (i.e. earthquakes) in Haiti. WTS will deploy water tanks and delivery trucks to various locations throughout Haiti. Each truck can hold up to 1,250 gallons of water, providing an estimated 2,500 people with clean drinking water each day. Utilizing AT&T’s innovative M2M technology, which communicates real-time data back to a control center, NOAH is able to monitor water volume and water quality, allowing for the continual tracking of water and ice requirements, thus optimizing delivery to those in need. Working together, these three organizations are making a difference along with many water charities around the world.
(It looks like all those iPhone purchases are paying off. Want to donate money to earthquake victims in Haiti? I’m sure there’s an app for that.).
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