Asbestos is a hazardous material that can cause harm to one’s lungs when it’s disturbed and inhaled. Asbestos in the air and in the home can lead to serious health complications, such as mesothelioma cancer or asbestosis. Fortunately, exposure to asbestos is preventable with the right safety measures and tools in place.
Mesothelioma Awareness Day is in September every year, so please keep reading to learn more about how High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters can help protect you and your loved ones from asbestos exposure and lower the risk of developing mesothelioma cancer.
Where is asbestos used?
Before the 1980s, asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were commonly used in home and building projects because of their heat-resistant properties. ACMs were used in multiple materials that are commonly found in homes, such as flooring, ceiling tiles, insulation, siding, and roof shingles. After the 1980s, regulations were placed on asbestos and the material was used far less frequently in homes.
Since ACMs are common in homes built before the 1980s, it’s likely that asbestos particles could be in the air if you are living in an older home. This is especially true if you’re doing any home renovation or construction projects, as drilling into these materials can cause asbestos airborne particles to release into the air.
As a safety precaution, be sure to have your home tested for asbestos before beginning any sort of home construction project. While it may not seem like your home could have asbestos, it’s better to be safe than sorry, as the health effects of asbestos may not come into play until decades later.
How do HEPA air filtration systems help?
While it is possible to have asbestos removed from your home, it can be a costly project that requires hiring a professional abatement contractor. This is where HEPA air filtration can come in handy. While most homes do not have filtration systems already installed that are HEPA-grade, a HEPA air purifier is a great option.
True HEPA filters have the ability to filter out tiny asbestos fibers and clean the air from other harmful air pollutants. Asbestos particles can range in size from 0.7 to 90 microns, making them hard to see with the naked eye. HEPA air filters can remove particles as small as 0.3 microns and purify the air, making it safe to breathe and live in your home.
However, if you plan to do any major home improvement projects you may want to consider having asbestos professionally removed or sealing the areas that pose the risk of potential exposure. It’s important to note that for the most peace of mind and greatest chances of avoiding asbestos exposure is to invest in having it completely removed.
Before installing filters that remove asbestos, be sure to speak with a professional to ensure you are implementing the proper filters for your central air system and needs.
Most residential HVAC systems are not able to handle True HEPA filters. Installing these filters without checking first, could result in costly repairs. However, there are many affordable air purifiers for asbestos that use a True HEPA air filter on the market today.
It’s important to replace the filters regularly so that you don’t leave yourself vulnerable to asbestos exposure.
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