We just wanted to share this news: the Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities Department was recently awarded the 2009 EPA Region IV Safe Drinking Water Act Excellence Award. This announcement is significant for us, because our offices are located in Monroe, North Carolina, just minutes outside the Mecklenburg County line. It’s great to know that our very own city is being recognized for its consistency in providing excellent drinking water treatment and safe delivery to local residents. But if you think this gets you out of needing to buy a water filter, think again…
Most municipal water treatment plants use chlorine to disinfect water, and this often produces toxic byproducts that can be harmful to the body in large quantities while negatively affecting the taste and odor of your tap water. We’re sure that Charlotte is no exception to this widely-accepted policy. A water filter can help reduce or eliminate these toxins, leaving you with fresh, great-tasting, odorless water. Faucet water filters, pitcher filters, and refrigerator water filters are great for this purpose. Since showering with chlorinated water can dry out your skin and lead to upper respiratory problems, it’s a good idea to invest in a shower water filter as well.
Please visit our forum to ask any questions you may have about ways to improve the water quality in your home..
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