In case you haven’t been keeping up, here’s a quick recap. In part one of this series on eco-friendly bottled water, we introduced several bottles made with bioplastic. In part two, the paper bottle was born. Here, we discuss the environmentally friendly-er PET plastic bottle. Yes, it does exist, though these last three may be a bit harder to swallow.
PureLife Brand Purified Water, Arrowhead Brand Mountain Spring Water and Poland Spring Brand Natural Spring Water are made with 30 percent less plastic than other comparably-sized plastic beverage bottles. The label is one third-smaller and its eco-shape design makes it flexible, lighter and easier to crush for recycling. Clearly, Nestle is embracing the concept “less is more,” but I’m not sure it’s really working. They might need to eliminate plastic altogether if they want to catch up with their competitors.
Nestle isn’t the only company desperate to save its brand from environmental fury. Coca-Cola followed suit with its Dasani PlantBottle – made with up to 30 percent plant materials, it is 100 percent recyclable and renewable. Nice job, Coke. Perhaps your efforts to go green will take some of the attention off of the fact that your water is municipally-sourced and a waste of most peoples’ hard-earned cash.
Aquamantra’s ENSO bottle is the first biodegradable PET plastic bottle on the market. Both landfill and compost biodegradation completes in one to five years, depending on the environment’s microbial levels. Better than traditional plastic, but still – up to five years? Why not just eliminate waste altogether?.
Michael Richardson says
I think that this is a great news. I hope the other company will follow the footsteps of these big companies who are making a move to reduce the destructive plastic bottles. I believe that one day will eliminate all the plastic bottles in the market. Thanks for sharing this article.