We don’t like to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems that water filtration advocates around the world are going to be disappointed today, because according to several news sources, bottled water sales saw a 4.2 percent increase this last year.
And, you may want to sit down for this next part…
Sales are expected to jump another 3 percent in 2011.
But don’t lose hope. Don’t let this news discourage you. You can make a difference. You can help us put an end to this madness.
It’s very simple: spread the word. Tell your friends the truth about bottled water. For example:
- Bottled water manufacturers use clever marketing tactics to fool consumers into believing that their product is the absolute best, and most convenient way to obtain pure water that is safe to drink.
- Bottled water is bad for the environment. Millions of non-biodegradable plastic bottles go unrecycled each year.
- Bottled water is very expensive, and is really nothing more than filtered tap water that you could easily get from home, at a fraction of the cost, with a quality water filter.
- Bottling companies like Fiji are taking good water away from the poor people in Fiji who really need it, and are shipping it long distances and selling it to Americans at ridiculous prices.
- Bottled water won’t necessarily protect you from hexavalent chromium contamination… a little known fact that may have contributed to the 2010 spike in sales. The Environmental Working Group recently discovered this contaminant in water supplies in 31 cities across the U.S., and they recommend a good quality water filter over bottled water as a solution. In addition, the EWG recently published a bottled water scorecard, giving filtered tap water the highest score available.
- Yes, many bottled waters do not contain fluoride, but you can get water that is fluoride-free right out of your tap by simply installing a reverse osmosis filter. Many RO filters also reduce chromium-vi, and in the long run, will save you lots of money.
- The bottled water brand name “Evian” spells “Naive” backwards…
These seven facts may be summed up in seven words: Friends don’t let friends drink bottled water. (Okay, so maybe it’s cliche, but you get the point.) I’m guessing that you probably have a lot of friends – virtual or otherwise – and social media is one of the best ways for you to help spread the word so that your friends are not labeled among the “naive” consumers. What’s more: we’ve made it really easy for you to do so; simply hit the “tweet” and “like” buttons at the top of this post. And if you’d like to spread the word on other social networks, you can do so by clicking the buttons below this post as well. Every share counts!
We’d also like to thank all of our friends who have thus far supported our efforts to provide everyone with affordable access to clean water straight from the tap!
Selwa says
Eman – so glad you replied. The wonderful news is: you DO have a choice! The article you posted says that 24/7 Wall Street examined the tap water supplies in most major American cities, based on the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG’s) methodology. The EWG actually recommends that you drink filtered water, rather than bottled water. They say that bottled water cannot necessarily protect you from dangerous contaminants like Chromium-IV, which was recently found in 31 US cities around the country. (I believe I pointed that out in this post…) Do the research. Bottled water is NOT your only choice. You can get safe, pure water with a good water filter at home, for a fraction of the cost of buying bottled water. Wouldn’t you rather save your money than buy into the propaganda? Let us know what you decide. Thanks again!
Eman says
People who live in these 10 cities – or other cities with questionable public water supplies – have no choice except to drink bottled water: http://www.dailyfinance.com/story/ten-american-cities-with-worst-drinking-water/19816730/