You may soon begin work on a home improvement to-do list. This can include no shortage of priority items such as making general upgrades around your home. In fact, we all have undergone some sort of home upgrades at some time in the past. Of all the items you can add to your to-do list, there is one critical improvement that is often overlooked. If you’ve read previous blogs on The Filtered Files then you may have guessed that I’m talking about furnace filters.
At the risk of sounding redundant, installing a more efficient and effective furnace filter can drastically improve the indoor air quality in your home. Consider the two main reasons you should upgrade your furnace filter.
1. Remove more contaminants from the air: This is big especially if you deal with seasonal allergies and/or asthma. While all furnace filters will (to some degree, at least) reduce contaminants from your air, it may not remove them to the extent that you need. Removing the common asthma and allergy triggers is critical for relief and for protecting yourself from respiratory ailments associated with poor indoor air quality.
2. Prevent contaminants from building in your HVAC unit: Over time, contaminants will begin to build in your HVAC unit and reduce its efficiency. Upgrading your filter will lessen the chances of this occurring so that contaminants are trapped in the filter pleats and not in your system.
While upgrading your furnace filter, be sure to pay careful attention to the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of your filter. When it comes to knowing what MERV ratings mean, keep in mind that the higher the rating, the more efficient the filter will be. For example, a MERV 13 will be more efficient than a MERV 11. Read Three Questions to Ask before Choosing Your Next Air Filter for more information.
Recently, all of our customers were asked to upgrade their furnace filter to the Filtrete Ultra Allergen Home Air Filters. The reason was for the numerous health benefits that the Ultra Allergen Air Filter provides. Pollen, bacteria, dust mites and pet dander are just some of the contaminants that this filter will remove from your indoor air. With better air flow provided than its competitors, this filter is not only efficient in your system (by allowing less air flow resistance) but is also more beneficial to your health.
If you’re going to upgrade your furnace filter, be sure that you are getting maximum protection from harmful pollutants. If the Ultra Allergen doesn’t sound like a good fit for you, simply type in your air filter size and search furnace filters for all available models for your home.
Out of the Home Improvement items you can add to your to-do list, I believe that upgrades are chief among them. In addition to furnace filter upgrades, consider switching to more water efficient models. Toilets, faucets and showerheads have all become more water efficient over the years and will provide a nice touch (as well as savings) to your home and wallet. What’s on your to-do list around the home?
Katie says
Isn’t it interesting?! Thanks for sharing your experience! It is very important to change your air filter frequently. (Recommendation is every 3 months).