Looking for a practical gift for the outdoor loving person in your life? Below are functional gift ideas for the outdoor enthusiast.
SteriPEN Portable UV Pen Sawyer Outdoor Water Filter Bottle
This portable water filter uses ultraviolet Great for outdoors, this water bottle
light to safely purify drinking water. holds 34 oz. of refreshing water.
Sawyer All-in-One Filter System Kit Katadyn MyBottle Microfilters
A life expectancy of 1 million gallons makes The only personal water bottles
this kit perfect for the outdoor enthusiast. registered with the EPA.
Aquamira Emergency Blanket Katdayn Hiker Pro Microfilter
Soft and comfortable, this blanket is Compact and lightweight, this
ideal for traveling, camping and emergencies. is perfect for outdoors.
Klean Kanteen 40 0z. Bottle Katadyn Pocket Microfilter
Carry in backpacks and camping equipment. Strong and durable. Backed by
Made from BPA free stainless steel. a lifetime warranty.
Katadyn Vario Microfilter System Aquamira Water Purification Tablets
The premium drinking water system. Each tablet purifies 32 oz. of water
A must have for the outdoor enthusiast. and can be stored almost anywhere.
For more practical gift suggestions, check out our extensive line of SteriPEN, Aquamira and Sawyer products.
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