BP will no doubt “win” the worst corporation of 2010, and enter Corporate Accountability International‘s Corporate Hall of Shame for its role in the worst environmental disaster this country has ever seen. Still, the organization wants you to cast your vote for the Worst Corporation of 2010.
Though I suspect BP will win by a landslide, it is important to let your voice be heard. After all, this poll is taking place on a site called “Democracy in Action.” If you find the business practices of any of these other seven corporations despicable, let it be known.
Personally, we take a lot of what Corporate Accountability International says to heart, especially since we share their vision: “Today the air we breathe, the water we drink and our very democracy are under increasing threat from corporate abuses.” In our industry, we’ve seen considerable criticism aimed at Nestlé Waters.
In March of this year, Food and Water Watch launched a “Keep Nestle Out of the Gorge” campaign in an effort to keep the bottled water giant from bottling water from the Columbia River Gorge. Greenpeace also campaigned extensively against Nestle earlier this year for the way in which they source palm oil and paper products. To be fair, Nestle countered with a zero-deforestation rather quickly.
We’re not trying to sway anyone’s votes here. In fact, I’d bet 90% or more of the votes will go to BP. But if you are genuinely fed up with any of the corporations above, let your voice be heard; send them to the Corporate Hall of Shame.
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